Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Origins of Sephardic Jewry in the Medieval Arab World

1. The Sephardim are Jews of Spain or of Spanish descent.

2. Jewish history under Muslim rule should be seen in a more balanced, realistic light because of its sense of noble descent; its tradition of service to gentile rulers; its high cultural achievement in philosophy and poetry; and its history of crypto-judaism.

3. Jewish life under Muslim rule was generally easier than under Christian rule according to Cohen because Jews were accepted as peers and were able to practice Judaism without question.

4. Jews living under Muslim rule felt much greater security than Jews living under the cross. Jews would normally bring up legal cases before the Jewish bet din.

5. The economic roles of Jews in Muslim during the Middle ages was well integrated they participated in every walk of life characteristic of society at large versus the Jews in Christian lands where Jews were almost always economic pariahs. They were long-distance merchants in the early medieval Europe, where predominantly rural society frowned upon the alien merchant and his profit seeking acquisitiveness.

6. The Christian Reconquista led to the downfall of Jews in Christian Spain.

7. Spanish Jews fled to Muslim territories, stretching from nearby Morocco and Algeria, to Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, as well as to the Muslim Ottoman Empire in Anatolia, Turkey and the Balkans after the expulsion. The ottomans welcomed them in because they had an enemy in common, and the Jewish immigrants now applied their political and economic talents toward Ottoman interests.

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